LCP with AIESEC in Pakistan

LCP Note

AIESEC in IBA is more than just an organization or exchange platform—it’s a family and a home. Since its founding in 2012, this chapter has fostered a culture where members celebrate wins, birthdays, graduations, and support each other through losses, creating a unique bond. It’s a place where individually exceptional people come together, not out of obligation but from genuine passion. This commitment has made AIESEC in IBA both functionally strong and culturally vibrant. Leading this beautiful chapter is a privilege, knowing that while leaders may change, the essence and unparalleled spirit of AIESEC in IBA will remain unmatched. - Kumail Alim

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Testimonials from Our Members

Hammad Naveed

When I got into IBA, I was a very shy and introverted person. I really wanted to step out of my comfort zone. That is when I joined AIESEC, an organization that allowed me to express myself freely. Meeting amazing people and working alongside them has been a truly enriching experience. AIESEC has provided me with numerous opportunities to develop myself and grow into a better human being.


I was recruited into AIESEC in Fall '23 with no knowledge of what AIESEC was. One year down the line, having met the best people and the best leaders, I can say without a doubt that AIESEC is more than just an organization for me. It's an experience that no other can provide. I'm really glad to be a part of AIESEC and have learned great practical skills from its operations.

Recent Events

Iftaar Drive

Iftaar Drive

This was the very first EwA hosted by AIESEC in Karachi South in the term of 24.25. It was a cycling initiative that was both fun and impactful. Our aim was to deliver a message in an enjoyable way, that we as a youth are advocating for eco-friendly modes of transportation, while showcasing AIESEC's commitment to the SDGs and impactful initiatives. We had around 40 participants from different universities. One key takeaway was that youth need fun to engage in impactful initiatives, so we incorporated that element into our event.

Palestine Session

Palestine Session

This was another EwA hosted on the 4th and 5th of April by AIESEC in Karachi South it was 2 day EwA initiative. We recognized that young individuals often lack a sense of gratitude for their blessings. To address this, we organized an event with around 80 participants from various colleges and universities, taking them to the Special Care Children’s Home (Darul Sukoon) and an old age home. This experience aimed to help them appreciate their countless blessings and develop a sense of courtesy towards individuals who may not be as fortunate.

Women in Action

Women in Action

This was the third EwA initiative hosted by AIESEC in Karachi South on the 25th of July. Our goal was to empower women, highlighting the difficulties they face in daily life and encouraging them to stand up for themselves. The event included a self-defense session, a stand-up comedian to energize the room, and an open mic session featuring Chirragah Bhatti.

Gallery of Recent Projects

Recent Project 1Recent Project 2Recent Project 3Recent Project 4Recent Project 5